What to Expect
Colonial Hills Baptist Church is an independent church in Taylors, South Carolina (in the greater Greenville area), about 8 miles northeast of downtown Greenville.
Our Location:
You will find our property–our steepled red brick building and large white multipurpose building–where E. Lee Road ends at Taylors Road.
What To Wear:
Some of our church family will be wearing their “Sunday Best” (even suits and ties). Others will be dressed more casually in business attire.
Adult Bible Study classes (currently four to choose from including a Ladies-only class) and Sunday School (for our kids) meet Sunday mornings at
9:30 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship begins at 10:30 a.m. You will enjoy enthusiastic congregational singing of the hymns of the faith and music prepared to bless and encourage, including our choir that sings during both Sunday services. Scriptural preaching is the cornerstone of our worship and edification. (Ask an usher if you would benefit from hearing assistance.)
Sunday Evening Service begins at 5:30 PM. We will enjoy congregational singing and music that edifies and prepares our hearts for the Scriptural message as we hear God’s precious Word expounded. (Ask an usher if you would benefit from hearing assistance.)
Midweek Prayer and Bible Study meets at 6:45 PM. It is a more personal time of Bible study, encouragement, and prayer in the middle of the week. Coffee and a sweet snack are available before we meet.
Master Club: Teaching Our Kids to Serve the Master is from 6:45 PM to 8:15 PM
on Wednesday nights during the school year
(for kids from 3 years of age to rising 6th grade).
Our Summer Bible Club will meet each Saturday in June from 10 AM to 11:30 AM for ages 4 to rising 6th graders. Kids will learn about the importance of the Bible in their lives. Children will be given a Summer Bible Club tee shirt to wear to SBC each Saturday in June.
525 Taylors Road, Taylors, SC 29687, US