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Baptist Church
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You are registering for the 2025 Men's (Day) Spring Retreat on April 5th. First and last name:
Names of friend(s) coming with you:
Would you and your friend(s) be interested in riding the church bus to Bonclarken (dependent on availability of seating)?
Yes, most definitely
Maybe--I'll talk with Keith
Snack food you plan to bring to share (breakfast will not be served at the Retreat):
Your email address:
Your friend(s) email address(es):
Bonclarken Waiver (please click on the button below the Men's Retreat poster on the home page)
Yes, I or/and all of our group has filled out the Bonclarken waiver.
No, I have not filled out the waiver.
The friend(s) traveling with me have not filled out the waiver, but I have filled out the waiver.